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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ready to Launch?

I mentioned this in passing a few weeks ago, but video game launches, especially with hardware but also software, can be complicated, frustrating, blood-soaked really happy family playing affairs.  In essence, when a new console comes out, as Sony’s Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One did in November, what those early adopters are opting for is to be paying beta testers.  They are the first customers to experience the new technology and games, but they also volunteer to

Through the Back Door

In a time when the recent end of net neutrality is causing split concern between those who fear the FCC’s new, vast authority over regulating the Internet, and those who worry about ISPs and content providers having free reign in a digital Wild West, certain incidents prove the dangers that can arise when government agencies and private companies collude to work around consumer interests.

Keeping Your House in Order

The leading cause of data breaches in the past twelve months, according to Forrester in its “Understand the State of Data Security and Privacy” report, might surprise you.  Neither hacking nor fraud emerges here as the primary culprit; rather, internal threats wear the crown.  Naturally, every breach comes in a different garb, from the faux pas to the deliberate thefts and exposures.  Indeed, Forrester’s examination revealed that 36 percent of breaches

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Secure Breaches

What is the take away from this story:

Only 1% of Q1 data breaches were "secure breaches"

Hackers don't attack the ones that have security put in place?

1% are secure so that is a start?

Or the growth of the number of records lost capered to Q1 last year is 233% more?

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