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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Data Encryption the Corner Stone to solve the Data Breach epidemic

While Congress and other organizations around the world hear from industry experts and debate the best policy to tackle the Data Breach epidemic we all face, Hackers don't have to wait and they also know now is the time to strike. But there is something that can be done NOW......

Securing the data at rest is the building blocks to a secure network, why do I say that you ask?

Once your data is encrypted at rest some real basic things will happen:

  • the data is useless if it is copied
  • all access to the data now needs to be approved and secured by the IT group
    • this now gives IT far more control over how the data is used
  • Unauthorized devices won't be able to access the data reducing the risk of UNEDUCATED employees creating a vulnerability
Now when you get hacked and most companies will get hacked this is not something we can hide from, the data will be useless to the hacker. 

90% of the security industry focuses on perimeter security (firewalls, virus protection...........) stopping a hacker from getting in. But with the ever changing device market and applications that now access data, it makes plugging all the security holes in a network virtually impossible.

The other 10% that focus on the data at rest is where all the focus should be, we can't stop them from getting in but we can make the data useless when they get it. 

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