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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The value of stolen medical records? - UNDER valued!

So how does this work....... my SS# and medical records are out in the world for 4 months. During this time my information could be used in so many ways, from identity theft to annoying phone scams. The fact is your
bank card gets hacked you just get a new one but when you medical records are stolen you can't get them back they are out there to be sold over and over again.

It's goes something like this:

Hacker - "Hi Mrs Smith, My name is Bobby I'm calling from Health Insurance Company"
Mrs Smith - "Hello how may I help you?"
Hacker - "First Mrs Smith I need verify your identity"
Mrs Smith - "ok"
Hacker - "Are you still living at 20 main st Smallville in Atown"
Mrs Smith - "yes"
Hacker - "can you confirm the procedure you had done on 04-15-13 at A Hospital?"
Mrs Smith - "Ow Yes that was my Hip replacement"
Hacker - "Mrs Smith over billed you and we need to send you a refund, how would you like to receive that? Deposited into your Checking account?"
Mrs Smith - "Yes that sounds fine"
Hacker - "What are the details of your account"

DONE ........ these calls happen over and over again, and they are I'm sure targeting the higher age brackets. Medical records are extremely valuable and should be guarded far more than silly money that can be replaced.

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