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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Congress working at Glacial speeds.....again!

Congress will again today hear from top law enforcement, consumer advocacy and industry experts regarding Data security. It is the 5th such meeting since the Target breach in 2013, so far they have taken some breaks ordered some lunch and CREATED ZERO laws bill or any government relate regulations. 
In the mean time we have companies out there losing data on a daily basis, how many INDUSTRY EXPERTS do we need to hear from to understand that system is broken and more congressional meetings will not solve any problems.

To add insult to injury ...... The House Science Committee is having a session on Thursday regarding Data Privacy, you might say great they are all trying to get something done. But both groups don't speak to each other, they are completely different people in each group and if they every wanted to discuss their findings they would schedule a NEW MEETING.

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