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Monday, March 3, 2014

How can the PCI compliance program evolve

There is a laundry list big retailers that have become victims of data breaches, Target is just the latest on the list and Neiman Marcus maybe joining at any minute.

Not being PCI compliant is the most common factor in all of the breaches, while being compliant is not guaranteeing you that it will stop the attack from happening. But when that attack happens and you are in catch up mode trying to get ahead of the breach, being PCI compliant may still  help you.

Compliance is a hard thing to achieve and once achieved  it can be even harder to keep, compliance requires you to run assessments on a regular basis.

Verizon's PCI Security practice recommends five key approaches to help organizations achieve and maintain PCI compliance and perhaps even derive ROI from compliance efforts:
  1. Don't underestimate the effort involved in staying PCI compliant.
  2. Make PCI compliance sustainable.
  3. Think of PCI compliance in a wider context.
  4. Leverage compliance as an opportunity.
  5. Focus on scoping.

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